Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jonathan Passes CFI / Nicole's School

Jonathan took his CFI (certified flight instructor) test last week and passed! It has been a long process with many delays...either bad weather or planes being worked on...but he is done! His next step is to work on his CFII (certified flight instrument instructor) He should be finished by the beginning of December. 

The next step is then for him to start instructing commercial and instrument in January. He is excited for this opportunity.

I, Nicole, have made it half way through my 8 week online class through Moody. (Contemporary Strategies for Ministry to Women) One of the 6 books that I have had to read has left me in tears, Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

This book is a real eye opener of the oppression women face around the world. I knew that women were mistreated, but wow, I didn't know just how bad it was. I recommend this for ALL women to read, but I caution you that it is a VERY heavy read. Commit to reading it prayerfully.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Winter seemed to take its time getting here, but once it did - we got a ton of snow! This was Noah's first adventure in the snow and he LOVED it! He spent most of his time gazing up at the sky amazed at the tiny little flakes falling. The rest of the time he spent sticking the snow in his mouth...like he does with most everything else these days!

Friday, November 2, 2012

October 2012 Prayer Letter

Click to read Our Latest Prayer Letter !

A Whole Year Later

It has been my new goal to keep our blog updated. Life is such a whirlwind! Time and memories come and go and we want to share with family and friends both near and far away what is going on in our lives!

End of May 2012 Jonathan graduated from Moody Aviation...with high honors! After 6 years of hard work! He is now working as an instructor at Moody Aviation...finishing up his flight instructor license!

Visiting Papa at work on his birthday! Sept 17th Jonathan turned the big 25

It has been over a year since we have posted a new blog entry. Pregnancy, a new baby, a new job, moving & ministry...so much has changed! I could post and post a million posts to catch up but I'm not going to do that. As things come to mind though, I will share :)

I can't believe that another summer is gone and the leaves have changed colors and are now falling off the trees! Oh summer how we will miss you!

Noah is getting so big! He will be 6 months old next friday! Whew how time goes by. He is a tad cranky these days as we believe he has teeth coming in. But who really knows...feels like a guessing game sometimes!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Great Escape

A weekend escape to a cabin on the water was exactly what we needed in the midst of our crazy schedule. We were invited to go with some friends to their grandparents cabin...and had a wonderful relaxing weekend.

4 Wheel Ride


Pesky Flies Everywhere :(

Giant marshmallow Smores!

A snake we found that was dragging a fish away from the shore.


~ Our Flower Garden ~

4th of July

The 4th of July marked a trip to Seattle to visit Auntie Kathleen and Uncle Richard. We had a great relaxing time.


My photo
I am a woman of God on a journey. A wife to a wonderful husband. I love baking and cooking and just being crafty. My husband is going through flight school and I am working full time. My hearts desire is to stay at home and make money, have children and just be able to be free from my dreaded job. My mind is so full and cluttered when I go to bed at night that I needed a way to get it all out...