Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Rock & Worship Roadshow

This Sunday was the Rock & Worship Roadshow here in Spokane at the arena. The tickets were $10 at the door...that meant no advance purchase! We had the opportunity to go with a couple from our small group...pictured below here....

We had to wait in the rain and very windy winds. Being that I straightened my hair for the day I was a bit anxious as my curls started coming back :( When we finally got in we quickly found some really great seats. There were lots and lots of people.  We saw The Sidewalk Prophets, Remedy Drive, Fee, Francesca Battistelli, Family Force 5, David Crowder & Mercy Me. Yeah, all of that for only $10 was AMAZING!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life These Last Weeks

    These last couple weeks have been really crazy busy for us...well mainly Jonathan. Last week Jonathan received his acceptance packet in the mail to start flight with Moody this July. We looked over all the information, calendar and the financial chart. Wow, we can’t believe that this all starts in July! To prepare for school in July Jonathan has been taking his bible classes through Moody to get them all out of the way before flight. He had an 8 week Biblical Studies Capstone class that ended with a 36 page paper! That paper took up 2 solid weeks of writing and studying. Now with that class out of the way he still has Global Culture and Biblical Preaching classes left to finish. These two classes should be  a lot easier than the one he just finished. 
Jonathan got his new glasses this last week too! We will put up a picture as soon as I get a picture taken. They have taken some time for his eyes to adjust as this is his first time ever wearing glasses. They look really great on him :)
Besides the crazy school schedule we have still found time to have fun and enjoy this time we have off together. The weather here has been wonderful...yesterday being 64!

Monday, March 1, 2010

the fall of day

We live in one of the most beautiful areas of Spokane. I mean the state park is our backyard! Last night as I was finishing up cutting Jonathan's hair the sun was descending on the horizon and I couldn't help but snap a picture of the beautiful colors in the clouds.

This same night, on our adventure to the grocery store, we saw the moon rising in the sky. This moon was unlike any we had ever seen before...it was HUGE! We tried to get a picture of it while it was still near the ground but with all the city lights we had no such luck so we raced out of town up onto the flats of the countryside. The moon was so big and beautiful.


My photo
I am a woman of God on a journey. A wife to a wonderful husband. I love baking and cooking and just being crafty. My husband is going through flight school and I am working full time. My hearts desire is to stay at home and make money, have children and just be able to be free from my dreaded job. My mind is so full and cluttered when I go to bed at night that I needed a way to get it all out...