Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jonathan is Flying!

He has waited so long to be up in the sky in command of an airplane and finally on July 12th he started flight school! We have made it through the first week; 2-3-4 hours of reading a day, 5am mornings and early to bed. Jonathan is doing really well adjusting to his new schedule and the excitement just beams off his faces when he tells me all about his days. Jonathan is soaking up all the new information and has already flown 3 he will add a flight to that count!

On my day off I went out to the hangar and watched him prepare for his flight, taxi and take off. I felt so proud sitting there watching him. So proud in fact that an instructor came up to me and was asking me some questions and all I could do was smile and blabber something that didn't make much sense out of my mouth :) Seeing Jonathan's excitement and success makes me so happy!

Jonathan is going through his pre-flight with his instructor.

It was hard to time this picture because I wasn't really sure when he would be coming out from behind the buildings but...above he is the small plane on the right taxing down the runway!

Just taking off. His wheels are off the ground :)

Flying overhead

Heading out to his "practice playground"

So I decided to follow his as far as I could so I could maybe get a picture of him up in the sky. The sun was so bright that I could see it well with my eye but couldn't capture him on the camera. All you can see is a bright speck pretty much in the middle of the picture near the power lines...thats him!

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I am a woman of God on a journey. A wife to a wonderful husband. I love baking and cooking and just being crafty. My husband is going through flight school and I am working full time. My hearts desire is to stay at home and make money, have children and just be able to be free from my dreaded job. My mind is so full and cluttered when I go to bed at night that I needed a way to get it all out...